Tuesday, March 31, 2009

這不是台灣地區 MV完整版



1. 免費客家語電影欣賞-“1895

時間: 4月3日2009,星期五 下午5點
地點: Arcadia成人日間保健中心
15 W. Las Tuna Dr., Arcadia
(626) 447-9700

2. Day Hike- Potato Mt.
時間: 星期六 4日11曰, 上午8點到12點

成年橡木林, 加州大葉楓, 山澗流水, 森林火災後重生新生林木, 新春各色(紅, 黃, 藍, 紫)花木琳琅滿目,Pomona Valley和 山安東尼山脈(Mt Baldy)近在視野. 全程來回約4.4哩(miles), 海拔從大約2300’ (路口起點) 到3400’(峰頂). 來回大約兩個半鐘頭.

地點: Claremont, CA
連絡人: 彭鏡煒 (909) 625-9674: (213) 725-6309

3. 美洲台灣客家懇親會
時間: 8月7日到8日9日
地點: 加拿大, 多倫多
加東七日遊: 8月10日到8月16日
本會聯絡人: 彭鏡煒 (909) 625-9674; (323) 342-1523
梁政吉 (626) 705-6442


Friday, March 27, 2009

March for Taiwan

Dear All,

Majority of Board has approved that we, HAPA-NA to co-sponsor for MARCH for Taiwan.

Under Link is some information.
I would like to encourage our members to participate enthusiastically.

Thank You


為紀念台灣關係法30 週年,為支持「台灣國」而努力
· 為宣揚提醒「台灣關係法 」對台灣、東亞和世界永續和平的重E8性外,並向美國請願, 求承認台灣主權,進一步與一個民主、自由的「台灣國」建交。
· 表達台美人對台灣目前危機的擔心,美國有需要保護台灣的民主、自由、人權。而且台灣的民主與安定最符合美國的利益。
· 以「為台灣走」的活動,來帶動台美人繼續關心咱的祖國 - 台灣。
活動時程 -
4月3日: 開幕儀式 (費城 Independence Hall 11:00 AM – 12:35 PM)
4月3-9日: 全程138哩 (費城 PA, Wilmington DE, Baltimore MD, Washington, D.C.)
4月10日: 閉幕儀式 (國會Rayburn Room 2168 1:00 PM)

行動委員會 己經準備一F銅鐘,銅鐘上刻「台灣獨立鐘」(TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE
在Washington, D.C. 將有吸引媒体的焦點, 就是四月十日上午遊行到白宮,以及在國會內召開閉幕4念儀式。遊行全程的時間約B 8點半鐘。
從紐澤西將有巴士在四月三日由Willowbrook Mall,
http://www.marchfortaiwan.org/ 。希望同鄉朋友在3月22日以前向下列北澤西同鄉會幹事報名﹕
鄭淑華/郭國男 973-515-5338
林倍弘/陳銀美 973-546-5791
曾伯聰/簡淑津 201-742-5952
林聖傳 973-503-0551
張淑燕 201-585-8129

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Good News!
We have got the consent from 阿堃哥 to link with his broadcasting programs.
Please click on media link to enjoy his talk shows.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

SCTHA is moving on...

Congratulations to Mr. Ching Peng and his new team.

Best wishes for SCTHA !

Pacific Journal Article About Current Taiwan

Here is a very good summary article about the recent status of Taiwan by our HAPA-NA member, James Liang, who is a leader in the Southern California Hakka community. ( published on Feb. 11, 2009 )

Please click for enlarged image.

- Chanchi Lee

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Joint Statement (12/4/2008)





全美台灣同鄉會 會長謝榮峻
北美洲台灣人教授協會 會長劉斌碩


Joint Statement (12/4/2008)





全美台灣同鄉會 會長謝榮峻
北美洲台灣人教授協會 會長劉斌碩


Joint Statement (8/2/2008)

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs
552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003

For Immediate Release
August 2, 2008

In a letter dated July 31 to Mr. Jacques Rogge, the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the heads of 22 Taiwanese American organizations urge Mr. Rogge to accord Taiwan during the Beijing held Olympic Games the name it deserves: "Taiwan." Because of pressure from China, Taiwan has been forced for the past20three decades to participate in international sports events under th e English tit le "Chinese Taipei," based on a protocol signed with the IOC. An agreement signed between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in Hong Kong in 1989 states that all sports teams or organizations representing Taiwan will follow IOC regulations when participating in sports events in China.The letter was triggered by recent discussions in Beijing about whether the title of the Taiwanese Olympic team should be changed from "Chinese Taipei" to Zhongguo Taibei or "China Taipei. " This would lend further credence to China's irrational and unrealistic claims over Taiwan.The organizations write: "We call on you to rethink the designation given to the nation of Taiwan by the IOC. We recommend that you adopt the straightforward and realist name "TAIWAN" in place of the outdated and denigrating moniker "Chinese Taipei."They continue: "Recently China attempted to further degrade Taiwan by publicly calling it "China Taipei." This was in clear violation of the IOC decision of 1979. China's nefarious act flew in the face of its own bilateral agreement with Taiwan of 1989 regarding the correct Chinese language translation of "Chinese Taipei." Instead of being a gracious host of the 2008 summer Olympic Games, China is usurping its position to lay territorial claim over Taiwan."They conclude: "To ensure that the Olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" encourages fair athletic=2 0competition rather than sinister Chinese maneuver to annex Taiwan, we urge you to accord the island na tion the name it deserves. That name is TAIWAN."FAPA President Bob Yang, Ph.D. comments: "Chinese Taipei" and "China Taipei" are names concocted by communist China to further bully Taiwan in the international community into accepting that Taiwan is a part of China. It is incontestable reality though that Taiwan is not a part of China. It is therefore high time that the international community open its eyes and face and accept the reality that Taiwan is a sovereign independent country whose name is=2 0"Taiwan" - nothing more, nothing less."
22個台美人社團領袖於今日連署致函國際奧委會主席羅格(Jacques Rogge) ,呼籲他在北=E 4奧運典禮上以「台灣」之名稱呼台灣。
信中表示:「我們希望您能重新審視奧委會給予台灣的=E 5稱。我們建議您 採取直接與符合現實的做法,以=E 5灣之名稱呼台灣,=E 8不是過時與有損國格的中華台北。」
July 31, 2008
Mr. Jacques Rogge, President
International Olympic CommitteeChateau de VidyLausanne 1007Switzerland Dear Mr. Rogge:We, the under signed representatives of Taiwanese-American and allied organizations, call on you to rethink the designation given to the nation of Taiwan by the International Olympic Committee (IOC.) We recommend that you adopt the straightforward and realist name "T AIWAN" in place of the outdated and denigrating moniker "Chinese Taipei."Much has changed since that fateful decision of the IOC in 1979. During the ensuing thirty years, Taiwan has evolved from a land occupied by the Nationalist Chinese to a free and democratic country. In the process, the people of Taiwan have come to view themselves as distinct and separate from the citizens of China. In poll after poll, the vast majority of the island's inhabitants identify themselves as Taiwanese rather than Chinese. Equally important, Taiwan has satisfied all the qualifications of a state according to the Montevideo Convention. The three democratically elected Taiwan presidents-Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou, have all proclaimed that the sovereignty of Taiwan belong to the twenty-three million people of Taiwan. Given these facts, "Chinese Taipei" is hardly a fitting designation for Taiwan in international sports or other activities.Recently China attempted to further degrade Taiwan by publicly calling it "China Taipei." This was in clear violation of the IOC decision of 1979. China's nefarious act flew in the face of its own bilateral agreement with Taiwan of 1989 regarding the correct Chinese language translation of "Chinese Taipei." Instead of being a gracious host of=2 0the 2008 summer Olympic Games, China is usurping it s position to lay territorial claim over Taiwan.To ensure that the Olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" encourages fair athletic competition ra ther than sinister Chinese maneuver to annex Taiwan, we urge you to accord the island nation the name it deserves. That name is TAIWAN.Sincere yours,

American Taiwan Society, Fred Baehner, President
Austin Institute for Taiwan Studies, Jack Chen, President
Chhong-Bi Memorial Fund, Adam Huang, President
Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation, Kang-Hou Wang, President
Formosa Foundation, Terri Giles, Executive Director
Formosan Association for Human Rights, Pearl Tang, President
Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Bob I. Yang, President
Friends of Taiwan, Inc., Mary Helen Cruz, President
North America Taiwanese Professors' Association, Je-Chin Han, President
North Amer ica Taiwanese Women's Association, Sue Lee, President
North American Taiwanese Medical Association, Jung Tsai, President
Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation, Ben Pin-Shuo Liu, President
Taiwan Elite Alliance, Josephine Pan, President
Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America, David Lai, President
Taiwanese American Feder ation of Northern California, Ma-chi Chen, President
Taiwanese Association of America, Ron Shieh, President
Taiwanese Collegian, Tzuhui Chen, Spokesperson
Taiwanese Hakka Association of America, Fred H. Wang, President
Taiwanese Hakka Association of the World, Peter N.P. Lo, President
World Federation of Taiwanese Associations, Susan Chang, President
World Taiwanese Congress, C.K. Kuo, Coordinator
World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A., James S. Chen, Chairman

Joint Statement (11/7/2008)

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs
552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003

For Immediate ReleaseNovember 7, 2008Contact: Iris Ho at 202.280.0166
Taiwanese American Organizations Express Solidarity with the People of Taiwan; Condemn the Ma Administration’s Trampling On Taiwan’s Sovereignty, Human Rights and Freedom

人權與主權; 並表示與台灣人民堅定站在一起

Nineteen Taiwanese American organizations released the following joint statement in light of recent developments in Taiwan surrounding China’s top negotiator Chen Yunlin’s visit to Taiwan.

19 個台美人社團於今天就陳雲林訪台發表下列共同聲明,聲明除了讉責馬英九政府,並直接向台灣人民表達台美社團與台灣台灣人民堅定站在一起,一同捍衛台灣民主,人權與主權。

The statement reads, “The Ma administration knows that the majority of the Taiwanese people do not support a rapid pro-China policy. Yet his administration decided to go ahead with hosting the meeting between Chen and Taiwan’s SEF chief Chiang Pin-kung. This decision is to deliberately provoke the Taiwanese people, divide the Taiwanese society and attack Taiwan’s fragile and hard-fought democracy. We strongly condemn the KMT government’s China policies and protest the government for denying Taiwan’s sovereignty and ignoring Taiwan’s human rights, freedom and democracy.”


In their statement, the organizations pledge to stand firmly with the people of Taiwan and state that they will inform the American media, elected officials and scholars of the situation and urge them to voice support for Taiwan’s democracy.


Bob Yang, President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) that spearheaded the joint statement says, “It is disheartening to see the suppression of freedom in Taiwan on such a mass scale to merely accommodate a Communist Chinese official’s visit. Imagine what will happen if the North Korean leader Kim Jung Il visits the United States today and Americans are not allowed to display U.S. or South Korean flags or cannot wear certain T-shirts that might be considered offensive to Kim?”


Yang concludes, “Beijing and Washington chastised former President Chen Shui-bian for ‘provoking China’ and dividing Taiwanese society by inciting the Taiwanese identity. Despite the fact that the majority of the Taiwanese public is wary about the Chinese ill-intention against Taiwan, the Ma administration’s shoveling China’s Mr.Chen into the throat of the people of Taiwan is no less provocative. It is Mr. Ma’s provocation that is tearing up Taiwan’s already divisive society and fragile democracy.



Taiwanese American organizations stand firmly together with the people of Taiwan and strongly condemn the Ma administration’s trampling of human rights, freedom and sovereignty of Taiwan.



The undersigned are deeply saddened by, concerned with and outraged at the unjustified actions taken by the Ma Ying-jeou administration to suppress mass protests during the visit of China’s ARATS Chairman Chen Yunlin to Taiwan.


We are saddened because the Ma administration, in order to embrace this Chinese Communist representative, has violated and stripped the human rights (particularly the right of freedom of speech) of those who wished to demonstrate their love for Taiwan through waving flags, playing Taiwanese songs and other peaceful ways and means.

我們擔憂,因為馬英九政府為了保護這位中國共產政府的代表,出動七千名警力,台灣儼然成為極權社會才見得到的「警察國家(police state)」。

We are concerned because the Ma administration, in order to protect this Chinese Communist representative, ordered 7,000 police and rendered Taiwan a “police state”, a phenomenon only seen in an authoritarian country.


We are outraged because democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law that were earned with blood and tears by our Taiwanese forebears have been trampled upon in recent days. Taiwan has seemed to revert to the days of Martial Law when there was no freedom of speech, no personal liberties, no freedom of association but only the confrontation between the police force and public.


The Ma administration knows that the majority of the Taiwanese people do not support a rapid pro-China policy. Yet his administration decided to go ahead with hosting the meeting between Chen and Taiwan’s SEF chief Chiang Pin-kung. This decision is to deliberately provoke the Taiwanese people, divide the Taiwanese society and attack Taiwan’s fragile and hard-fought democracy. We strongly condemn the KMT government’s China policies and protest the government for denying Taiwan’s sovereignty and ignoring Taiwan’s human rights, freedom and democracy.


The Chinese government has targeted Taiwan with 1,400 missiles; has suppressed Taiwan’s international space and coerced the rest of the world to adopt a "One China policy" to deny the legitimacy of Taiwan as an independent sovereign nation. Facing a government which is this hostile toward Taiwan, the Ma administration, ever since it took power last May, has implemented China-appeasing policies with all sorts of agreements beneficial to China. Ma’s China toadying policies began with the Hu Jintao-Lien Chan meeting. However, China so far has not withdrawn one single missile, and it still blocks Taiwan’s bids for the UN and WHO participation.


In order to ensure the success of the Chen-Chiang meeting and to ingratiate itself with Chen, the Ma administration would rather sacrifice Taiwan’s democracy to create this illusion of cross-Strait harmony. The massive police force deployed by the government barricaded off streets, disapproved demonstration permits, and even confiscated national flags and Tibetan flags. We are not defending the Republic of China flag. We are defending the right of holding any flags. This is especially poignant when the memories of the Chinese Communist regime suppression of all Tibetan flags during the Beijing Olympics are still fresh in our minds. The fact that Tibetan flags are forbidden from flying freely in Taiwan during this dark hour adds great humiliation to this Asian model democracy.


The police have used unnecessarily excessive force during these protests. The police's actions also seriously violated personal liberties and civil rights. We are concerned about the elected officials and protesters who were injured during the process. We also lodge a strong protest against the police agency.

台灣的民主正在倒退中,台灣的自由正在消失中,台灣的人權正在萎縮中。我們人雖然身在海外,在這個台灣民主進程最黑暗的時刻,我們的心與所有維護台灣民主、主權與人權的台灣人民相連在一起,我們肩併肩與國賓飯店外被迫關門的唱片行、旗幟被強行沒收的民眾,與參與圍城行動的每一個市井小民,與在行政院前靜坐的大學生們,以及眾多 和我們一樣憂心台灣前途的朋友們站在一起。

Taiwan’s democracy is retreating, Taiwan’s freedom is diminishing, Taiwan’s human rights are shrinking. Although we are physically overseas, at this darkest hour in Taiwan’s democratic history, our hearts are with those that are protecting Taiwan’s democracy, sovereignty and human rights. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the record store near the Ambassador Hotel that was forced to close, with those whose flags were confiscated, with every protester at the “Yellow Ribbon Siege”, with college students who staged a sit-in in front of the Executive Yuan, and with many more of the Taiwanese who are as concerned about Taiwan’s future as we are.


Because we are here in the U.S., we will urge the American mainstream media, government officials and scholars to express their concern about these alarming developments and to issue public statements to support Taiwan’s democracy and sovereignty.


We fought to secure a democracy in Taiwan in the past. Today, we fight to protect and safeguard Taiwan’s democracy.

In alphabetical order of signatories’ last name
Jack Chen, President, Austin Institute for Taiwan Studies
James S. Chen, Chairman, World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A.
Stephen Chen, President, Taiwan Solidarity Union-East Coast
Tzuhui Chen, Spokesperson, Taiwan Collegian 陳姿憓,台灣學生社
Susan Chang, President, World Federation of Taiwanese Associations
Terri Giles, Executive Director, Formosa Foundation 福爾摩沙基金會
Adam Hung, President, Chhong-Bi Memorial Fund
C.K. Kuo, Coordinator, World Taiwanese Congress
Sue Lee, President, North America Taiwanese Women’s Association
David Lai, President, Taiwanese Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America
Ben Liu, President, Professor Chen Wen-Chen's Memorial Foundation and North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association
Josephine Pan, President, Taiwan Elite Alliance 
Ron Shieh, President, Taiwanese Association of America
Pam Tsai, President, Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California
Jung Tsai, President, North American Taiwanese Medical Association
Pearl Tang, President, Formosan Association for Human Rights
Kang-Hou Wang, President, Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation
Bob Yang, President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs

Joint Statement (8/4/2008)

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs
552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003
For Immediate Release
Contact: Iris Ho at 202-280-0166
August 4, 2008


In letter to President George Bush dated July 28, 2008, the leaders of 22 Taiwanese Americans urge President Bush, on the eve of his departure to Beijing where Bush will attend the Olympic Games, to reaffirm U.S. commitment to Taiwan and -specifically- to lift the Taiwan Arms Freeze.The organizations write: "We appeal to you to reaffirm America's support for a free and democratic Taiwan. Specifically, we urge you to unfreeze t he $11 billion worth of arms sales to Taiwan, including the sixty-six advanced F-16 fighter jets."They continue: "As you travel to China, the world's largest communist country ruled by unelected dictators, we implore you to not forget the island nation of Taiwan, situated barely a hundred miles off Chinese shores. It is a free and democratic country, and one you recently praised as "a beacon of democracy to Asia and the world," and in 2001 you pledged "whatever it took" to help her defend herself."They conclude: "The TRA and President Reagan's Six Assurances also make it clear that the nature and quantity of arms sold are based solely upon the needs of Taiwan and without prior consultation with China. In fact, you have long ago approved the sale of most of the items in the $11 billion package. Therefore we urge you to unfreeze these sales immediately." FAPA President Bob Yang , Ph.D. states: "Selling the arms package to Taiwan is not only in Taiwan's interest, it is clearly in the United States interest. According to sources, the mere sale of F-16s to Taiwan, would bring 40,000 man-years of additional employment to North Central Texas - especially Fort Worth. Arms sales to Taiwan should not be based on the politics of the day. Therefore, time to lift the freeze is now!"
「當您前往中國, 個由非民主領導人所統治的全球最大的共產國家的同時,我們希望您不要忘記台灣這個距E9中國不到一百海哩的小島國。台灣是一個自由民主的國家,您還曾讚揚台灣是亞洲與全球民主的燈塔,您並在2001年表示會竭盡所能協助台灣自我防衛。」
台灣關係法與雷根總統六項保證很明白地規定對台軍售的本質與數量只能視台灣需求而定, 且不能與中國事先協商。事實上,您許久以前就已經批准這一百一十億美元裡的多項武器項目。我們在此呼籲您儘快中止任何對台軍售涷結。

August 1, 2008President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20500Dear President Bush:On the eve of your trip to Beijing to attend the Olympic Games, we, the undersigned representatives of Taiwanese-American and allied organizations, appeal to you to reaffirm America's support for a free and democratic Taiwan. Specifically, we urge you to unfreeze the $11 billion worth of arms sales to Taiwan, including the sixty-six advanced F-16 fighter jets.As you travel to China, the world's largest communist country ruled by unelected dictators, we implore you20to not forget the island nation of Taiwan, situated barely a hundred miles off Chinese shores. It is a free and democratic country, and one you recently praised as "a beacon of democracy to Asia and the world," and in 2001 you pledged "whatever it took" to help her defend herself.As you partake in the Olympics festivities put on by y our Chinese hosts, we ask you to recall that, in your second inaugural address, you told the nation that "The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands." The success of liberty is not to be found in China where you are visiting. Rather it has been achieved in Taiwan across that narrow strait. For America's sake, please help Taiwan safeguard her liberty.In 2005, China passed the so-called Anti-secession Law threatening the use of force against Taiwan at the slightest provocation. Your own Department of Defense reported earlier this year that China had targeted no less than 1,070 short-range ballistic missiles at Taiwan. "It is increasing the size of this force at a rate of more than 100 missiles per year," the report noted. Based on land area, this would be equivalent to aiming 292,000 missiles at the U.S. and adding 27,000 more each year. The real and grave threat to Taiwan requires that Taiwan possess a credible national defense.The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) stipulates that the "United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability." The TRA and President Reagan's Six Assurances also make it clear that the nature and quantity of arms sold are based solely upon the needs of Taiwan and without prior consultation with China. In fact, you have long ago approved the sale of most of the items in the $11 billion package. Therefore we urge you to unfreeze these sales immediately. Thank you for your attention. We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,
American Taiwan Society, Fred Baehner, President
Austin Institute for Taiwan Studies, Jack Chen, President
Chhong-Bi Memorial Fund, Adam Huang, President
Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation, Kang-Hou Wang, President
Formosa Foundation, Terri Giles, Executive Director
Formosan Association for Human Rights, Pearl Tang, President
Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Bob I. Yang, President
Friends of Taiwan, Inc., Mary Helen Cruz, President
North America Taiwanese Professors' Association, Je-Chin Han, President
North Amer ica Taiwanese Women's Association, Sue Lee, President
North American Taiwanese Medical Association, Jung Tsai, President
Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation, Ben Pin-Shuo Liu, President
Taiwan Elite Alliance, Josephine Pan, President
Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America, David Lai, President
Taiwanese American Feder ation of Northern California, Ma-chi Chen, President
Taiwanese Association of America, Ron Shieh, President
Taiwanese Collegian, Tzuhui Chen, Spokesperson
Taiwanese Hakka Association of America, Fred H. Wang, President
Taiwanese Hakka Association of the World, Peter N.P. Lo, President
World Federation of Taiwanese Associations, Susan Chang, President
World Taiwanese Congress, C.K. Kuo, Coordinator
World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A., James S. Chen, Chairman

Joint Statement (12/5/2008)









發起團體 北美臺灣客家公共事務協會會長 賴江椿
美洲臺灣客家聯合會會長 王興富
臺灣客家社社長 張葉森
世界臺灣客家聯合會會長 羅能平

Hapa-Na Open Letter to President Bush (8/4/2008)

Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America
20734 Seapine Dr., Katy, Texas, U.S.A., 77450

The Honorable President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
August 4, 2008

Dear Honorable President Bush:
We are Taiwanese Americans who are concerned about the welfare of the much isolated and ignored Taiwanese on Taiwan. We believe it is to the interest of the U.S. that Taiwan is properly settled for its rightful international status in accordance with the wills of the twenty three million Taiwanese, rather than falls into the hands of China.
Since Dr. Kissinger initiated the engagement policy toward People’s Republic of China (China) in the 1970s, the U.S. policymakers have not recognized strongly enough the importance of Taiwan in the U.S. long term strategic interests in the Far East Region, in our dealings with China. From the beginning, China wishes international community to grant it the sovereignty over Taiwan. The U.S. disagrees and merely “acknowledges” China’s wishes that Taiwan is a province of China, in open communiqués. But China is persistent on its claim. Its diplomats use every occasion to stress its claim and distort U.S. intention of “acknowledgement” into “recognition”.
The U.S. administrations have too conveniently allowed China to claim as it wishes in terms of its sovereignty over Taiwan. The administrations have gradually yielded its position by way of silence in the face of China’s diplomats when they openly make the claim. If the U.S. position is not properly and openly reaffirmed soon, we will eventually lose Taiwan as a staunch and important ally in the Far East Region. The consequence is a tremendous erosion of our U.S. strategic position in that region and that the loss can never be restored.
Taiwan has been grossly ignored. At the World Health Organization Annual Conference earlier this year, the Chinese representative openly claimed that China has taken care of Taiwanese health issues. The Chinese official statement is the gravest lie a country has ever openly committed in a United Nations domain. The international community knows that China has aimed over a thousand missiles on Taiwan and the two countries are hostile to each other. There is no representative from China of any kind in Taiwan, let alone taking care of Taiwanese health issues. An official lie to the WHO conference should not have been ignored. In our opinion, the world community’s lack of response to the apparent lie has down graded the dignity of the world organization. It is an unbelievable appeasement gesture to China at the expense of the human rights of the 23 million Taiwanese. We Americans can not be proud of the behavior of our representatives in the management of the Chinese lie at the WHO conference.
China officially yielded its sovereignty of Taiwan to Japan permanently in 1895, witnessed by our President Roosevelt. Since Japan relinquished its sovereignty of Taiwan in 1945, there has been no international treaty that officially settles the international status of Taiwan. Therefore, it is the obligation of the U.S. and the U.N. to uphold the undefined status of Taiwan against the wishes of China. We urge you to take any opportunity to reaffirm a world history that Taiwan is not a province of China since its inception in 1949 and the U.S. policy that the future of Taiwan must be decided with the consent of the 23 million Taiwanese. We must uphold the universal democratic value that our forefathers have profoundly established. We must strive to convince a major power as well as a small country if we mean to promote it worldwide, as you have proclaimed from time to time.

Respectfully yours,
David C. Lai, President

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

TAA Letter To State Department

Ms. Paula J. Dobriansky
Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Under Secretary Dobriansky,
As representatives of the major Taiwanese American organizations
we write to you today about an issue of grave concern to us.
We came to this country during a time when our mother country,
Taiwan, was under the oppressive and authoritarian rule of Chiang
Kai-Shek's Chinese Nationalist Party. We became American citizens
to further pursue living in a democratic and free society.
Yes, we rejoiced when, without bloodshed, Taiwan became a
democratic country with direct elections of the president and the
legislature, while freedom of the press blossomed. But recently
Taiwan's democracy has begun to slowly crumble.
During the past eight years of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party
administration, democracy in Taiwan was carefully preserved and
advanced. In 2007, the Worldwide Press Freedom Index ranked
Taiwan No. 1 in Asia and No. 32 in the world, ahead of both the U.S.
and Japan. But a mere five months into the new Ma Ying-Jeou
administration, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
condemned the Ma government's interference with Taiwan's media.
The police have become more aggressive too. On October 11, 2008,
police harassed and arrested a man in front of the presidential
palace for wearing a T-shirt critical of President Ma without citing
any violation of the law. Also, it has been reported that police were
collecting names and taking pictures of participants in political
Overall, politically motivated persecution has intensified since Ma
Ying-Jeou became president. Relentless prosecutorial pursuit of
former officials in former President Chen Shui-Bian's administration
continues, while careless leniency is shown to Chinese Nationalist
Party members. Immediate detention without bail has become

Meeting of Taiwanese Organizations with Department of State (11/21/2008)

Minutes of Meeting
Gerrit van der Wees, Formosan Association for Public Affairs
552 7th St. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003
Tel.: (202) 547-3686, Fax: (202) 543-7891
DOS-2008-7. Department of State / AIT
John Norris, Barbara Schrage and Deena Parker
Place: AIT Rosslyn
Date: 21 November 2008, 2:00 pm
Visiting group: Ko Sebo, Bob Yang, Susan Chang, James Chen, Ben Liu, Gerrit
The meeting had been requested by the heads of the Taiwanese-American organizations, who flew into DC especially for the occasion. Schrage/Norris emphasized that the meeting was off the record. After a round of self-introductions Sebo gave an overview of the issues of concern: erosion of democracy & human rights, police brutality during Chen Yunlin’s visit, and judiciary abuse / arrests and detentions.
He emphasized that the lack of dialogue by the government had led to demonstrations and street action, and that the police action had created a repressive atmosphere reminiscent of martial law. He also stated that we are not against improving relations with China, but that Ma was moving way beyond what people wanted. Also said that Ma was moving Taiwan into the Chinese sphere of influence and making it a client state of China.
Bob Yang reminded Norris/Schrage of Bush’s statement that survival of liberty depends on the success of liberty in other lands. He stated that what transpired in Taiwan can only be interpreted as an erosion of democracy and human rights, and urged State / AIT that Ma should be taken to task, also by the US.
James Chen discussed the lack of transparency and accountability and raised the issue of possible secret negotiations between KMT & CCP. He also detailed the fact that the LY is not involved.
John Norris responded that the US is following it closely, and that AIT Director Steve Young has reached out to a broad spectrum in society. He said the US hoped that the agreements with China would lead to a better understanding, and stated that some of the initiatives were undertaken under the CSB administration.
On the domestic situation in Taiwan he stated that the legal system has to take its course, and that the expectation is that the judicial proceedings will take place in a fair, just and impartial manner. He asked whether in our view there was merit to the charges against CSB.
Sebo answered that the issue was not whether there was merit to the charges, but that the law should be applied fairly and evenly: he said that when Ma was charged he was not handcuffed or detailed, although the charges against him were identical to those against CSB. He also questioned why these actions were coinciding with Chen Yunlin’s visit.
Bob Yang questioned the faith the State Dept. had in the judicial process, and urged the US to be more proactive in emphasizing that the process should be scrupulously impartial. Gerrit added that it is questionable whether any of the detained persons – including CSB – can have a fair trial.
Sebo stated that the Ma Administration went way overboard, and that the dignity of former officials had been severely violated. He urged State to make clear that it did not in any way condone or agree with the actions of police and prosecutors. He referred to the joint statement of 20 scholars, and emphasized that the Ma Administration was very sensitive to the US position.
Susan discussed the leakage of information by the prosecutors to the press, and was critical of State Dept. spokesperson McCormick for not mentioning this as a fundamental flaw.
Bob and Sebo also commented on McCormick’s statement, saying that in Taiwan it was interpreted as an endorsement of Ma’s policies. Norris responded that it meant “we are watching closely.”
Barbara recalled that she had been in Taiwan at the embassy in the 1970s. She assured us that the US is watching carefully, and also that she felt it was important for the people on the island themselves to be vigilant. She asked what the reaction of the young people/students was.
Susan responded that her son was in Taiwan and that through him she knew that the students were shocked at how it come have come to this. She referred to the “Wild Strawberries”, and Sebo described that the students used to be rather a-political, but that the present developments galvanized them into action.
Bob Yang referred to Jerome Cohen’s article, which emphasized that “preventive detention” should be used rarely, and urged State to be more outspoken and less conservative. He also recounted how in the US demonstrations had already taken place in NYCity, LA and Houston.
Norris reiterated that the US expected the Taiwan legal system to handle it fairly, and said that he supported improvement of XStrait relations.
Bob and Sebo emphasized that the US should be more forceful in emphasizing US core values, explaining that the McCormack statement could be interpreted either way.
Susan closed the session by asking if the new Obama Administration would have new policies (“we can believe in”). Norris responded that he couldn’t speak for the new Administration, but that it was the expectation that the priorities would be on Iraq, Afghanistan, and that for East Asia there would be continuation.

HAPA-NA 2007 Proclamation Against China's Anti-Cesassion Law

Dear fellow members:
Attached is the Hakka Joint Proclamation that we initiated on March 14, 2007, the second anniversary of the issue by China of the subject law. The proclamation was reported by Liberty Times on March 15, 2007.Before the 4th anniversary, I believe the document is a timely subject and I suggest we post it now on our blog.

David Lai 3/3/2009
The Libertytimes USA
2007 年3月15日 星期四 (農曆 正月二十六)






世界台灣客家聯合會:會長 羅能平  
全美台灣客家會:會長 鍾振乾  
北美台灣客家公共事務協會:會長 賴江椿