Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holiday Greeting

Dear Members and Hakka Friends,

Greeting from Philadelphia.

I hope this email finds you in best of health and happiness.
This year is drawing near the end. Looking back at this past year, it was a busy and productive year for HAPA-NA and the Hakka Community as well.

In March we held a successful HAPA-NA outreach seminar program, in conjunction with Kaoshiung City Hakka Council on the issue related to Taiwan and Taiwanese Hakka. Many thanks to Thomas Shu and Josephine Pan for their coordination.

In August we participated in THAA conference in Houston Texas, where we established "North American Hakka Friends of Tsai Ing-Wen" to help support her DPP nomination in the coming Taiwan presidential and LY legislative election. We had a successful fundraiser and we also plan to have a 3-day bus tour to go around 3 Hakka counties, Tao-Chu-Miao, on 1/10, 1/11 and 1/12. So far we have 20-30 Hakka friends and our members from the US will join the tour. It will be an exciting experience to have many friends with "Taiwan-in-their-heart" together to act to help Tsai 's election. Taiwan is at a critical juncture, to continue independence or surrender to China. We can not afford to have the KMT win this election.

A few weeks ago, THAA held an election for the next term's president and vice president, our board member Edward Lin was elected as president, and our ex-president William Wei was elected vice president. Congratulations to both of them! I believe HAPA-NA and THAA will work together to better serve the Hakka community in North America and beyond.

HAPA-NA new board member election for 2012-2013 also finished a few days ago. Congratulations to James Liang, Edward Lin and Mike Kwan for being elected and welcome on board!

In the coming weeks, Hakka of Taiwan and North America will run a "Friends of Tsai" newspaper advertisement. HAPA-NA was our cosponsor. Thank you to David Lai for organizing, and to all donors. We appreciate you all!

In summary, HAPA-NA and members are getting more and more attention and involvement in Taiwan affairs, which is very important because we owe so much to Taiwan. Taiwan's election will be held in 3 weeks, and the prospect of Tsai's winning is improving. I really hope that our effort is not in vain, but with whatever outcome, we know we did our best with no regrets.

Thank you very much. God bless Taiwan.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Chanchi Lee, MD
President, HAPA-NA

Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Board Members Elected!

Dear members,

Many thanks to Yueh Mei and Charlie's hard work, and your participation, our board members' election has been completed.

I would like to announce that we have 3 board Directors, James Liang , Edward Lin and Mike Kwan got elected to serve the year of 2012-2013. There are 33 votes received totally, and 3 candidates all received great majority of 31 votes. Please see under link of Yueh Mei's email.

My congratulations to Jim, Edward and Mike. Welcome on board again. Together we can make a good team and make HAPA-Na proud and useful.

Thank you all.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Chanchi 12/22/2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

The minutes of 2011 annual HAPA-NA meeting in Houston

Taiwan Hakka Association for Pablic Affairs in North America
時間: 2011年8 月5日8:00 PM
地點: 德州休士頓市Hilton Houston Westchase
主席: 李常吉
記錄: 徐民忠
出席: 張祿生、魏武雄、范姜秀緞、林敬賢、李常吉、陳玲珠、鍾振乾、
感謝大家前來休士頓參加2011年美洲台灣客家懇親會, HAP-NA也照往例同時召開會員大會。出席及委託出席人數已超過召開會員大會之人數,宣布開會。同時感謝許多會員多年連續捐款。
今年會費收入 $1,760.00,共有33位會員交繳會費,8位永久會員。捐款收入$900.00,支出$2,198.00,至8/4/2011結餘$20,714.06。
捐款人名單; 2009: 張祿生、鄭鎮東、徐寶乾、黃辰一、賴江椿、劉永斌、 羅財信、麥良朋、許正龍、潘掬慧、蔡希科、溫碧謙、 楊羅滿蘭、范姜雲鶴 2010: 鄭國憲、鄭鎮東、黃辰一、賴江椿、劉永斌、吳月美、 許正龍、潘掬慧、蔡希科、溫碧謙、姜瑞香、楊羅滿蘭 2011: 鄭鎮東、黃辰一、賴江椿、劉永斌、羅財信、蔡希科、 溫碧謙、楊羅滿蘭、尹勝光
1. 2/14/10, Attended the FAPA sponsoring workshop for Taiwanese Young
leadership conference to introduce HAPA-NA organization.
2. 3/23/10, HAPA-NA participated AIT/Taiwanese American discussion about
Taiwan current situation in DC Headquarter.
3. 3/23/10, HAPA-NA sponsored 1st outreach program for Taiwan Hakka
meeting at Kwansi, Hsinchu.
4. 3/24/10, HAPA-NA and Taiwan Hakka Society held meeting in Taipei.
5. 5/20/10, Participated the FAPA sponsoring Discussion of ECFA at the
National Press Conference Center in DC and signed a joint statement of
rejection of ECFA.
6. 5/23/10, Dr. B-Chen Wen visited Delaware and Philadelphia to talk about his
M-B-C program and raised the fund for $ 760 dollars. Plus Chanchi Lee
donated $ 250 dollars. So it was enough to pay for Taiwan Culture Award of
Year 2010 without incur any expense from HAPA-NA Account.
7. 7/15/10, HAPA-NA Co-Sponsoring Annual Taiwan Culture Award with
Hakka Cultural Foundation of America ( Washington DC ) and Hakka
Language and Cultural foundation of North America ( St. Loius ).
8. 7/20/10 , HAPA-NA joined Hakka Magazine cosign a statement to support
Principle Tseng Rong-Shin, who was accused of budget mismanagement.
9. 7/30/10, HAPA-NA held a joined press conference in LA, regarding Miaoli
TA-PU, incident and give a statement of condemnation of Government.
10. 10/10/10, HAPA-NA donated a large volume of Formosa Betrayed DVD
to Taiwan Hakka communities and Holo organizations.
11. 10/10/10, HAPA-NA sponsored 2nd outreach program in Taiwan, held a
Hakka meeting at Kwansi, Hsinchu. It was well accepted by Hakka friends.
12. 1/07/11, Cosigned FAPA initiated open letter to President Obama to urge
him to continue To support Taiwan’s democracy and Freedom when he
holds Obama-Hu Summit on Jan 11, 2011.
13. 2/11/11, Cosign TPA initiated open letter to DDP to urge for members to
cooperate the nomination process of legislative and presidential candidate.
14. 3/23/11, HAPA-NA Sponsored 3rd Outreach Program of Hakka Meeting in
Kaoshiung, Taiwan, cosporsoring by Hakka Council of Kaoshiung City
15. 6/15/11, HAPA-NA cosporsoring Taiwan Hakka Culture Award, and
select a candidate.
16. 6/7/11HAPA-NA members responsed and helped the fund raising activity
for David Chiu for San Francisco mayoral election.
17. 7/6/11, HAPA-NA sent a letter to DPP Chairperson Tsai and Secretary
general Su to recommend a Hakka representative to be on Lagislator at large
四、 議案及討論:
1. 李常吉提案:按會章規定理事會應有九名理事,目前只有七位,
2. 李常吉提案:為改進本會之組織效率,是否增修規章,除選舉委員會外,增加募款和會費催收委員會,由三位理事組成?
 募款係會長之重大任務之一,會長責無旁貸。籌募經費也是理事之職責(會章16條之4)。
 各區域理事應可幫助催收會費。
 會長由理事會同意,得設臨時委員會,處理特定事項(會章14條)。
3. 劉永斌提案:是否應成立蔡英文後援會?
 台灣有16個蔡英文後援會。
 台灣和國外應分道而行。
 推舉HAPA-NA會長李常吉任後援會會長。
 所有HAPA-NA前任會長當顧問。
 HAPA-NA各區域理事為各地分會會長。
 請黃永達教授幫忙在台灣訂製會旗。
4. 賴江椿提案:是否應恢復每年出版HAPA-NA會迅?
5. 鍾振乾提案:建議HAPA-NA使用財務專用Software, 如
6. 徐民忠提案:邀請鄧瓊如(陳明真夫人)加入HAPA-NA會員。
討論:數人願當Recommending Members,無異議通過。
7. 是否在選舉前適當時機,在台灣登廣告為蔡英文助選?
8. 世界台灣客家聯合會會長張錦輝,邀請大家參加歐洲台灣客家
五、散會:10:15 PM 關燈。

Friday, July 22, 2011

Agenda for HAPA-NA meeting on 8/5/2011

Message body

Dear members,

THAA Summer Conference in Houston is only two weeks away. HAPA-NA will hold a meeting on 8/5/2011 at 8PM-10PM during the conference. I hope you can make every effort to attend the meeting, and enjoy THAA program. If you can not participate this Houston Conference please send in your proxy vote. Each attendant can only allow to help out a proxy vote, according to the by-law.

Under links are agenda of meeting and HAPA-NA recent Activities report for your preview.

Have a nice Summer.



Taiwan Hakka Association of Public Affairs in North America
Membership meeting
August 5th 2011
1. Welcome remark.
2. Financial report. Dr. B-Chen Wen
Salute and many thanks to following donors :

Donation list 2009-2011
2009: 張祿生 鄭鎮東 徐寶乾 黃辰一 賴江椿 劉永斌 羅財信 麥良朋 許正龍/潘掬慧 蔡希科 溫碧謙 楊羅滿蘭
2010: 鄭國憲 鄭鎮東 黃辰一 賴江椿 劉永斌 吳月美 許正龍 潘掬慧 蔡希科 溫碧謙 姜瑞香 楊羅滿蘭 溫醫師養生功法義賣
2011 鄭鎮東 黃辰一 賴江椿 劉永斌 羅財信 蔡希科 溫碧謙 楊羅滿蘭 尹勝光

Many Thanks to above listed members' donation, as you can see many of them are repeat donors which we appreciate very much.
2 members I particularly want to mention and salute, here, are 楊羅滿蘭 and 姜瑞香.
Manlan Yang has been loyally donated to HAPA-NA every year for a long time. And Agnes WU had a one thousand dollars donation last year, which was a memorial fund from her beloved deceased son.

3.Report of HAPA-NA Activities from Jan. 2010 to July 2011.
4.Report of HAPA-NA Current Status
5.Old Business
6.New Business and Agenda

(a) By-Law stipulates that HAPA-NA should have 9 board members. We are 2 members short. Membership meeting should be a good chance to elect 2 new members, provided we have enough members attend the meeting.
(b) To improve HAPA-NA’s function, we need to amend the by-law, to have Fund Raising Committee and Membership Recruit Committee, besides current Election Committee, 3 board members should be assigned in each committee.
(c) What is the goal and future of HAPA-NA ?
David Lai had proposed the long range and short range goal in the past, but it was not reachable. At the present time we are not increasing the members, and many members do not want to serve as official or board members, So what is going to happen to HAPA-NA’s future ?
So far, the good aspect of the HAPA-NA is that other Taiwanese American organizations have been looked at us as representing The Hakka force to cooperate with other Taiwanese American organization to help out for Taiwan’s Good cause.
(d) What is the role HAPA-NA should play in the future ?
7.What can we do to help Taiwan’s 2012 presidential and legislative election.
8.Open Discussion.


Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs of North America
Report of Activities ( From Jan. 2010 to July 2011 )
1. 2/14/10, Attended the FAPA sponsoring workshop for Taiwanese young leadership conference to introduce HAPA-NA organization.
2. 3/23/10, HAPA-NA participated AIT/Taiwanese American discussion about Taiwan current situation in DC Headquater.
3. 3/23/10, HAPA-NA sponsored 1st outreach program for Taiwan Hakka meeting at Kwansi, Hsinchu.
4. 3/24/10, HAPA-NA and Taiwan Hakka Society held meeting in Taipei .
5. 5/20/10, Participated the FAPA sponsoring Discussion of ECFA at the National Press Conference Center in DC and signed a joint statement of rejection of ECFA.
6. 5/23/10, Dr. B-Chen Wen visited Delaware and Philadelphia to talk about his M-B-C program and raised the fund for $ 760 dollars. Plus Chanchi Lee donated $ 250 dollars . So it was enough to pay for Taiwan Culture Award of Year 2010 without incur any expense from HAPA-NA Account.
7. 7/15/10 HAPA-NA Co-Sponsoring Annual Taiwan Culture Award with Hakka Cultural Foundation of America ( Washington DC ) and Hakka Language and Cultural foundation of North America ( St. Loius ).
8. 7/20/10 HAPA-NA joined Hakka Magazine cosign a statement to support Principle Tseng Rong-Shin , who was accused of budget mismanagement .
9 7/30/10 HAPA-NA held a joined press conference in LA, regarding Miaoli TA-PU incident and give a statement of condemnation of Government.
10. 10/10/10 HAPA-NA donated a large volume of Formosa Betrayed DVD to Taiwan Hakka communities and Holo organizations.
11. 10/10/10 HAPA-NA sponsored 2nd outreach program in Taiwan, held a Hakka meeting at Kwansi, Hsinchu. It was well accepted by Hakka friends.
12. 1/07/11 Cosigned FAPA initiated open letter to President Obama to urge him to continue To support Taiwan’s democracy and Freedom when he holds Obama-Hu Summit on Jan 11 2011.
13. 2/11/11 Cosign TPA initiated open letter to DDP to urge for members to cooperate
the nomination process of legislative and presidential candidate.
14. 3/23/11 HAPA-NA Sponsored 3rd Outreach Program of Hakka Meeting in Kaoshiung Taiwan cosporsoring by Hakka Council of Kaoshiung City Government.
15. 6/15/11 HAPA-NA cosporsoring Taiwan Hakka Culture Award, and select a candidate.

16. 6-7/11 HAPA-NA members responsed and helped the fund raising activity for Chiu for San Francisco
mayoral election.

17. 7/6/11 HAPA-NA sent a letter to DPP Chairperson Tsai and Secretary geeneral Su to recommend a Hakka representative to be on Lagislator-at-large list.( please see under link letter)

From: Chanchi Lee
Sent: Wed, July 6, 2011 11:10:08 AM
Subject: Re : Recommendation of Ms. Yeh Chu-Lan for Legislator-at-Large

Tsai, Ing-Wen
Democratic Progressive Party

Dear Chairperson Tsai,

You may be aware that there has been some resentment in Taiwan's Hakka Communities that a Hakka representative was not enlisted in the Legislator-at-large roster, which was announced few days ago.

We would like to highly recommend Ms. Yeh Chu-Lan to fill the sudden opening for a legislator-at-large. Ms. Yeh as you know was a legislator in the past with an excellent record, and she is highly qualified for this position. She is also a Hakka member in the higher ranks of the DPP. Nomination of Ms. Yeh to this position would help to soothe Hakka concerns about lacking a Hakka representative from heavily populated Hakka counties.
This will also help to attract the Hakka Taiwanese support of the DPP.

It is not in our position to criticize the DPP's strategic planning for the coming election, but something to solidify the Hakka ballot is very desirable and important, particularly in this crucial moment determining Taiwan's future.

The appointment of Ms. Yeh to this position of Legislator-at-large will bring pride to Hakka Taiwanese, and it may be the right thing to do strategically for the DPP in the coming presidential and legislator election.

Best wishes for a successful election campaign.


Chanchi Lee, MD
President, Taiwan Hakka Public Affairs in North America

Copy to Secretary-General Su,Jia-Chyan


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Letter to DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-Wen

Re : Recommendation of Ms. Yeh Chu-Lan for Lagistator-at -Large
( July 6th 2011)

Tsai, Ing-Wen
Democratic Progressive Party

Dear Chairperson Tsai,

You may be aware that there has been some resentment in Taiwan's Hakka Communities that a Hakka representative was not enlisted in the Legislator-at-large roster, which was announced few days ago.

We would like to highly recommend Ms. Yeh Chu-Lan to fill the sudden opening for a legislator-at-large. Ms. Yeh as you know was a legislator in the past with an excellent record, and she is highly qualified for this position. She is also a Hakka member in the higher ranks of the DPP. Nomination of Ms. Yeh to this position would help to soothe Hakka concerns about lacking a Hakka representative from heavily populated Hakka counties.
This will also help to attract the Hakka Taiwanese support of the DPP.

It is not in our position to criticize the DPP's strategic planning for the coming election, but something to solidify the Hakka ballot is very desirable and important, particularly in this crucial moment determining Taiwan's future.

The appointment of Ms. Yeh to this position of Legislator-at-large will bring pride to Hakka Taiwanese, and it may be the right thing to do strategically for the DPP in the coming presidential and legislator election.

Best wishes for a successful election campaign.


Chanchi Lee, MD
President, Taiwan Hakka Public Affairs in North America

Copy to Secretary-General Su,Jia-Chyan
Ms. Yeh Chu-Lan

Monday, June 6, 2011

HAPA-NA news update April 2011

Taiwan Hakka Association of Public Affairs in North America

135 Woodhill Road

Newtown PA 18940

Tel : 215-860-1370

E-mail :

Dear Members, April 16th 2011

Spring Greeting. I hope this letter finds very body healthy and well.

I have several messages to announce and discuss.

( 1) The re-election result of Board members and President and vice president, for the term Jan 1st 2011

to Dec. 31 2012, finally finished in the end of Feb. 2011 because technically difficulty and delay.

The officials are, President : Chanchi Lee ( re-elected ), vice-president : Yueh-Mei Wu Rowan,

Board Members are, Charles Chung, Agnes Wu, B-Chen Wen ( All re-elected ), Shien-Sen Perng,( newly

Elected ), and James Liang.

Mr. Liang’ term will be finished by end of 2011, and rest of them are 2 years term.

We are still 2 members shortage, I hope we can hold a make-up election in August this year when the

THAA conference in Houston. Our secretary is Thomas Shu ( re-appointed ), and interim Treasure is

B-Chen until May, then transfer to Richard Chiou .

(2) As an outreach program for HAPA-NA, we held another Hakka meeting in Kaohsiung on March 23

2011, cosponsoring by Kaohsiung Hakka Council. HAPA-NA members including Thomas Shu,

Josephine Pan, B-Chen and me attended. Deputy Mayor of Kaohsiung Mr. Lee also attended the meeting.

Our Keynote speaker was Prof. Yao Cha-Wen, ex-president of Kaoushi ( Examination ) Yuen, and we had

5-6 speakers all touchéd about the Taiwan political subjects, and Mr. Lou talked about the Hakka Haiku

( 3 line poem ). We had about more than 60 peoples attended. My subject was Taiwan Current Situation

and Coming Crisis , View point from Abroad. And urge Hakka and Hole Taiwanese to work more

cooperatively and try to help out to DPP to win the coming election of Legislative Yuen Members and

Presidency to stabilize the Taiwan’s Sovereignty.

My general impression is that Hakka followers in southern Taiwan are more Taiwan Identity inclined, much better than Hakka in TAO-Chu-MIAO.

Many thanks to Thomas Shu and Josephine Pan’s efforts and hard work, and B-Chen’s support we had

A very successful meeting, and at least some Hakka in Taiwan began to know there is an organization

HAPA-NA Care about Taiwan politics among Hakka Coummunity.

(3) Between August 5th and August 7th 2011, THAA is going to hold a Hakka Conference / gathering

In Houston. Please contact THAA at Tel :281-980-8800 for more information, There is a traveling or

Cruise schedule to follow the meeting. HAPA-NA, we are going to hold a general meeting and possible

to hold a make-up election for 2 board members, I hope you can make every effort to attend. If you can

not attend the meeting, please send your proxy and assign a person to vote. Assignee is only allow to

vote a proxy.

(4). Since 2 years ago, we HAPA-NA has created a blog,””, used for information

and communication. I hope our members can get on line to look at it, time to time.

I was planning to publish a HAPA-NA News Letter (會訊) of past 2 years, but unfortunately my e-mail

was hijacked and all my accumulated information was unable to be retrieved, but luckily we have

HAPA-NA blog to serve the same purpose, So I will not publish the News Letter, and I hope the HAPA-

NA blog will continue go on to record our organization’s activities. For those members without e-mail

I hope you can quickly learn to use e-mail and set it up for communication. It is unconceivable, and no

excuse that an educated individual living in US is still not using e-mail. So, from now on HAPA-NA will

only communicate with e-mail, if you miss the communication, not receiving the news or message from

HAPA-NA is your own responsibility. If you already set up your e-mail, please let us know ASAP.

(5) In coming election of Taiwan Legislative Yuen and President, I hope we HAPA-NA members can be

any help to DPP candidates, they are the one pro-Taiwan, we should support. I would like to solicitate

your input.

(6)We are a small organization but we still can function well for the sake of Hakka, in public affairs

issue, we have been recognized as one of important organization of Taiwanese American Community.

But how to improve our organization and its function are still our effort in mind, your idea and input are

greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.


Chanchi Lee, MD President, HAPA-NA

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

323 Hakka Gathering @ Kaohsiung (2011)

This is the third time, HAPA-NA has worked on this Reach Out Program in our homeland, Taiwan.
We appreciate the strong support and our co-sponsor of this event, 高雄市政府客家事務委員會. With the great venue, coordination and the efforts of their staff... we can't thank enough for their kindness and enthusiasm.
Our keynote, Professor Yao and all the invited speakers have impressed all the attendants. Yes, I say, attendants not attendees, as this gathering is meaningless without our participants. Vice Mayor Y.D. Lee has sincerely seated through the whole afternoon session to hear us out, not simply 沾醬油. All of our attendants got his/her time to freely speak out.