Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Formosa Betrayed DVD Campaign

Here is the final report from Dr. Wen on the Project that led by HAPA-NA member Mr. Edward Lin. Job well done!
Dear Donors:
Thank you for your support, sending the Formosa-betrayed DVDs, to different Pro-Taiwan groups to promote democracy and freedom. We have purchased a total of 170 copies at a discount rate of 315 NT dollars each. A special negotiation is made with the company that they give additional one copy for every 10 copies purchased.So we get additional 17 copies to be distributed to the donors.
The following is the list of the donors:
Dr. Chan-Chi Lee $100.00 Charles Chung $100.00
Agnes Wu $100.00 Paul Huang $50.00
Cheng-yin Cheng $100.00 Josephine &Thomas $200.00
David Lai $100.00 B-Chen Wen $100.00
Edward Lin $150.00 Yueh Mei Wu $100.00
Mike Kwan $100.00 Shing H. Mei $100.00
James Liang $300.00 Jensen Chung $100.00
Davis &Jocelin Chang $100.00
With a total amount of $1,800.00
The following is the list of distributors we sent the DVDs.
We have tried “Freddy’s group: 逆轉勝 but failed.
IN addition, 野草莓 has no contact person.
So my decision was to send 20 copies to 民進黨青年黨部 so they can distribute DVD to local chapters.

台灣客家社 北社 中社 南社
台灣教授協會 綠色逗陣聯盟 聯合國協進會
日安花蓮協會 台灣醫界聯盟基金會
台灣民主基金會 陳文成基金會 鄭楠榕基金會
台灣基督教長老教會 總會
Every distributor received a short note as stated below:
敬啟者 您好,我們是一群長年在美國、關心台灣發展的客家族群,期望藉由影片「被出賣的台灣Formosa Betrayed」,來加深台灣人民對台灣的歷史有更正確的認識,在此特別準備了十片DVD公關片,希望能託貴會藉由這些DVD來達到此目標,謝謝您。

北美台灣客家公共事務會 會長 李常吉 贈 聯絡人 溫碧謙 醫師

DVDs: NT $315 x 170 / 30.56 = $ 1752.29
Mailing expense to 14 donors* with delivery confirmation: $ 40.52 dollars
Envelopes plus labels: $ 3.52
Total expense: $ 1796.33 Balance: $ 3.67 (donate to HAPA).

Sincerely submitted B-Chen
* two donors receive 2 copies because of their more than one hundred dollars contribution

RE: 「被出賣的台灣」DVD寄送名單To: B-Chen Wen

附件為共15個單位的簽收單除客社、民進黨青年黨部為20片外,其餘單位各10片,共寄出170片煩請查收(客社因聯絡當天負責小姐請假,由北社代為轉交,兩社在同一辦公室) 皆已去電各單位,確認都有收到DVD,並請各單位待分配方式確認後回mail給您, 另附上我們公司的帳戶,款項的部分再麻煩您處理了如還有其他需要,歡迎與我聯絡,謝謝 best, Elisa 蔡鳳儀 Elisa Tsai SKY DIGI ENTERTAINMENTTel : (886-2) 2231-1010#10Fax : (886-2) 2231-1020M : +886-938-093-2782F., No.18, Ziyou St., Yonghe City, Taipei County 234, Taiwan (R.O.C.)