Wednesday, March 2, 2011

323 Hakka Gathering @ Kaohsiung

Dear HAPA-NA members,

HAPA-NA as an organization for dealing with Taiwan Hakka Public Affairs, we had a feeling that we need to go to Taiwan as an outreach program to intercommunicate with our Hakka fellows, rather than just discuss or to write an articles in news paper in US, for which the message will never get through to them. So, we have decided Action is better than just lip service. Since last year, we have done twice this sort of meeting /gathering at Kwansi, Hsinchu to discuss various issues ,interchanged the opinions to Hakka Taiwanese, with great success. Some of the Hakka friends from Southern Taiwan asked to have next meeting to be held in Kaohsiung, so we are going to have next meeting in Kaohsiung, co-sponsoring by Kaohsiung City Hakka Council, on 3/23/11 at Kaohsiung Hakka Culture Center. We are holding the meeting around the time of Taiwanese Tomb Sweeping ( Pay homage to ancestors ), with the idea that many people from US may go back to Taiwan at this period can join the meeting.

This year the theme of meeting has been decided as " 客家人介台灣路 " the keynote speaker will be Yao Chia-Wen. The issue about Hakka-Holo interrelation and Hakka's Taiwanese Identity will be discussed. The Legislator Ms.Chiu Yi -Yin will talk about " See the Taiwan's problem from inside the Legislative Yuen" . And Hakkaculture issue such as recently popularized Hakka Haiku will be discussed and presented.
If any of you happen in Taiwan at that time, please join us. To RSVP or give a suggestion please write to ThomasShu at

As a member of HAPA-NA, your active participation of the affair, suggestion and contribution are highly appreciatedand needed. We are a small organization but we still should be able to function and accomplish many things
Thank you,

Agenda for 323 Hakka Gathering (客家人介台灣路)
9:30AM – Registration and Social / 參觀「客家文物館」
10:30AM – Greeting & Opening Speech ( 李副市長/Dr. Lee/ 許主委)
10:45AM – Keynote: “客家人介台灣路” (姚嘉文 教授) (30 minutes & 15 minutes for Q&A) 11:30AM –“台灣介國際現狀”(HAPA-NA Dr. Lee)
11:45AM - “生活的簡訊 客話三行詩”(羅慶士 先生)
12:00PM - “從愛鄉運動到客家運動-----我的經驗談”(賴士安 先生)
---- Lunch Break ----
13:00PM - “從立法院看台灣問題”(邱議瑩 立委)
13:15PM - “五都合併/升格對客家政治地位衝擊”(楊長鎮 先生)
13:30PM - Hakka Forum “客裔主體性與客裔族群在台灣政治板塊之位置”
(Please refer to 范振乾 教授 論文 )
MC: 潘掬慧 女士 Timer: 陳 堅 先生
1. 客家學院與研究所,對於客家文化以及社會的研究,到底有何成果?為何與客家人生態有所脫節?有何改善方法?
2. 客家人在台灣四大族群中,僅少於福佬族群,然而長久以來,特別是在大都會成隱形人,原因何在?
3. 過去福佬與客家間多少存在著矛盾與不協調,是否由於語言或經濟壓力所致? 猶太人生活在不同國家,說不同語言,卻不會喪失他們的民族文化認同,或變成隱性民族? 如何克服政治危機,促進客家人的族群意識?
4. 族群政治的槓桿作用,使客家有某種程度的政治勢力去操控,我們要如何去把握此一優利條件,發揮更大功效?
5. 台灣的族群、政黨、統獨,是政治生態的連體嬰,客家人要如何去思考我們自己的命運和邁進方向?
6. 此刻是否正是創立客家智庫時候?
7. 如何扮演好一個臺灣客家人的角色?
8. 如何營造美好的客家族群社區或社會?
9. 如何傳揚客家文化?
10. 如何傳承客家語文?
11. 客家力量如何集結與發揮? 如何建立Worldwide Hakka Taiwanese Elite Network ?

HAPA-NA (北美台灣客家公共事務協會)
When: 3/23/2011 (Wednesday) 10:30AM
Where: 高雄市政府客家文物資館 (高雄市三民區同盟二路217號 ) (07)316-5666

Welcome New Officials...

Dear Edward and members,

Many thanks to Edward's hard work and member's vote, the HAPA-NA officials of 2011 are settled finally.

Congratulations to New officials and re-elected board members, your enthusiasm of this volunteer nature of workis highly appreciated. We all have the heart, feeling and consciousnesses of give back to Taiwan.

HAPA-NA is a small organization, but as long as we keep working , active and do something to contribute, thenwe do not loose our mission or duty. So, welcome all officials we will work together cooperatively for next One year and 9 months.



HAPA-NA Election of 2011

Dear All Hapa-Na members:

Thank you very much for you participation, we sent out 45 ballots, butup to February 28, 2011 deadline, I only have received 29 return ballots, 28 with regular mail returned ballot, one with E-mail ballot.
The results for the 2011 Napa-Na BOD are as the following:

President Chan-Chi Lee 27 votes
Vice-president Yueh-mei Wu Rowan 27 votes
Board of Director
Shien-Sen Perng 27 votes
Agnes Wu 26 votes
B-Chen Wen 26 votes
Charles Chung 27 votes

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or Email me, I will be glad to answer your questions.

Thank you again for your support Hapa-Na !

The Chairman of 2011 Election Committee
Edward J. Lin
March 1, 2011 from Chicago