Taiwan Hakka Association of Public Affairs in North America
135 Woodhill Road
Newtown PA 18940
Tel : 215-860-1370
E-mail : Chanchilynn@yahoo.com
Dear Members, April 16th 2011
Spring Greeting, I hope this letter finds very body healthy and well.
I have several messages to announce and discuss.
( 1) The re-election result of Board members and President and vice president, for the term Jan 1st 2011
to Dec. 31 2012, finally finished in the end of Feb. 2011 because technically difficulty and delay.
The officials are, President : Chanchi Lee ( re-elected ), vice-president : Yueh-Mei Wu Rowan,
Board Members are, Charles Chung, Agnes Wu, B-Chen Wen ( All re-elected ), Shien-Sen Perng,( newly
Elected ), and James Liang.
Mr. Liang’ term will be finished by end of 2011, and rest of them are 2 years term.
We are still 2 members shortage, I hope we can hold a make-up election in August this year when the
THAA conference in Houston. Our secretary is Thomas Shu ( re-appointed ), and interim Treasure is
B-Chen until May, then transfer to Richard Chiou .
(2) As an outreach program for HAPA-NA, we held another Hakka meeting in Kaohsiung on March 23
2011, cosponsoring by Kaohsiung Hakka Council. HAPA-NA members including Thomas Shu,
Josephine Pan, B-Chen and me attended. Deputy Mayor of Kaohsiung Mr. Lee also attended the meeting.
Our Keynote speaker was Prof. Yao Cha-Wen, ex-president of Kaoushi ( Examination ) Yuen, and we had
5-6 speakers all touchéd about the Taiwan political subjects, and Mr. Lou talked about the Hakka Haiku
( 3 line poem ). We had about more than 60 peoples attended. My subject was Taiwan Current Situation
and Coming Crisis ( please see 客家人介台灣路), View point from Abroad. And urge Hakka and Hole Taiwanese to work more
cooperatively and try to help out to DPP to win the coming election of Legislative Yuen Members and
Presidency to stabilize the Taiwan’s Sovereignty.
My general impression is that Hakka followers in southern Taiwan are more Taiwan Identity inclined, much better than Hakka in TAO-Chu-MIAO.
Many thanks to Thomas Shu and Josephine Pan’s efforts and hard work, and B-Chen’s support we had
A very successful meeting, and at least some Hakka in Taiwan began to know there is an organization
HAPA-NA Care about Taiwan politics among Hakka Coummunity.
(3) Between August 5th and August 7th 2011, THAA is going to hold a Hakka Conference / gathering
In Houston, I believe THAA will put out more detail information in near future, There is traveling or
Cruise schedule to follow the meeting. HAPA-NA, we are going to hold a general meeting and possible
to hold a make-up election for 2 board members, I hope you can make every effort to attend. If you can
not attend the meeting, please send your proxy and assign a person to vote. Assignee is only allow to
vote a proxy.
(4). Since 2 years ago, we HAPA-NA has created a blog,” HAPA-NA.blogspot.com”, used for information
and communication. I hope our members can get on line to look at it, time to time.
I was planning to publish a HAPA-NA News Letter (會訊) of past 2 years, but unfortunately my e-mail
was hijacked and all my accumulated information was unable to be retrieved, but luckily we have
HAPA-NA blog to serve the same purpose, So I will not publish the News Letter, and I hope the HAPA-
NA blog will continue go on to record our organization’s activities. For those members without e-mail
I hope you can quickly learn to use e-mail and set it up for communication. It is unconceivable, and no
excuse that an educated individual living in US is still not using e-mail. So, from now on HAPA-NA will
only communicate with e-mail, if you miss the communication, not receiving the news or message from
HAPA-NA is your own responsibility. If you already set up your e-mail, please let us know ASAP.
(5) In coming election of Taiwan Legislative Yuen and President, I hope we HAPA-NA members can be
any help to DPP candidates, they are the one pro-Taiwan, we should support. I would like to solicitate
your input.
(6)We are a small organization but we still can function well for the sake of Hakka, in public affairs
issue, we have been recognized as one of important organization of Taiwanese American Community.
But how to improve our organization and its function are still our effort in mind, your idea and input are
greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
Chanchi Lee, MD President, HAPA-NA